
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

who am I poem

 Who am I

Some would say I am CHARLEY

I have hazel eyes and I have a brown mop of soft shaggy hair. But what you might not know about me is that...

I am a werewolf!!!

I like to prowl around and collect things

If something makes me angry I might attack it and bite it!!!

I am a creeper!!!

Sometimes I get emotional

And I mean very very emotional!!!

And it's very very comin for me!!!

And I lash out if I do.

So who am I you might ask

I have hazel eyes and I have a brown mop of soft shaggy hair. I AM CHARLEY

This poem is a poem I wrote at school. it is all about me

BY Charley

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Charley! What a brilliant piece of writing to describe yourself. You followed the format of the poem we read as a class really well and let your imagination go. Just a reminder that Who Am I is a question so it would need a question mark after it. Keep up the brilliant work Charley and I will watch to see what you post next.


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